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Hopeful Story, August 5, 2018

An update from Sheila Dykstra
  Guy is a public school teacher who has participated in Educational Care trainings since 2016 in Benin Republic. Since the beginning of our training time together, it was evident that Guy was passionate about teaching as well as working with other teachers.  He has a gentle demeanor, is a good listener, and has a wise way of correcting and encouraging other teachers during the training sessions. After module 1, Guy shared that this training has been such an encouragement to him, but also that through it, he has heard a call to be involved in Christian Education development and training. He diligently completed Action Plans for each module, and directed others in fine-tuning their own action plans.
  The year 2018 brought about many challenges for teachers in Benin. Teachers went on strike to advocate for better working conditions, and teachers were not paid for 5 months. Guy has a wife and 2 children to support – and has found these times to be very stressful. He moved his family to a smaller house, and looked for ways to bring in income in the meantime. In the midst of these challenges he struggled to find the way to still be able to come to the EC trainings. Prior to the final set of modules being taught, Guy got a very good job offer with an international organization. He approached the organizers of the EC trainings to seek counsel. What should he do? Taking this job would mean missing the training and delaying his opportunity to continue on as a trainer. The organizer asked him, “What do you feel called to do?” He answered, “I feel called to train other teachers”. And so he took a very difficult decision of turning down the job offer to continue with the training.
  The last modules were a great blessing and he was part of a group which is planning and praying towards starting a model EC Christian School! Thank you for partnering in the lives of people like Guy through our support. Please join us in praying that God will honour his faithfulness to God’s call, and that he will continue to provide for Guy and his family.
  Let me know if you have further questions!
  Thank you for your support. 
- Sheila Dykstra
