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Showing posts from November, 2017

Hopeful Story, November 26, 2017

Dear people of HOPE,   Over the past month, Pastor Dale has been preaching on the “inside out church”, and the past two weeks have been very mission focused… challenging us to think outside of our normal and sometimes comfortable ‘pews’, to find ways in which to engage the world around us in an effort to love and serve our “neighbours”.

Hopeful Story, November 19, 2017

YOUTH: Door2Door4Hope   Halloween is one day of the year that I’m sure many parents wish didn’t even exist; a day most youth wish they were still young enough to go trick or treating; and a day where the theme of fear runs rampant throughout the world. But have no fear because the youth of Hope Fellowship have a completely different view of Halloween. They see October 31st as a time to engage their community and bless many neighbours