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Hopeful Story, December 11, 2016

Love All - An Affirmation

  For the past number of years the plight of Syrian refugees has been in the forefront of the news. The brutalities and horror of the conflict between various factions have taken an enormous toll with mind boggling devastation and death. Many millions have fled for their lives leaving their generational homes and communities.
  Countries and communities throughout the world have responded as borders have been opened and refugees welcomed. I am thankful for the small part we as Hope Fellowship have chosen to play in responding to the great need.
  Knowing that Christians in the Middle East have been targeted for extreme violence, if not extermination in some places, had us facing the question of which refugees we would seek to sponsor. Would the faith background of the refugees factor into our decision? The prayerful discussion of our Steering Committee led us to the decision that no, it would not. Our calling as Christ followers is to love our neighbors. No questions asked. No categorization permitted.
  For me, the decision we made has been very much affirmed as I have come to know the owner of the home where our Syrian family is staying. Mahnaz and her husband Reza came to Canada from Iran some decades ago and adhere to the Islamic faith. They have many family members in Iran and are very concerned for ongoing strife in their home country and throughout the middle east.
  As Mahnaz and I discussed the situation in the middle east and our sponsorship of Syrian refugees, she was in tears when telling me how wonderful she and her husband thought it was that Christians would sponsor families from the Islamic faith. Even before meeting her I had come to know that she had cancelled other showings of the apartment when she heard the particulars of our situation. And, they gave us a slight reduction in both the rent and the cost of utilities. What a powerful witness this has been to the owners of the home! What a wonderful response leaving me to again ponder the truth of the words attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach Christ, and if necessary, use words."
- Fred
