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Hopeful Story, October 2, 2016

  Thanksgiving! First and foremost, I am thankful for life. Since this year almost didn’t happen, I am thankful to God for family and friends who loving supported me through the darkness. We come to a deeper appreciation for life when walking through the valley.
  Recently, I had the opportunity to work at the Terry Fox Run which is an annual event for me. I am grateful that I get to wear a red shirt as a cancer survivor. You might be asking, “How does cancer relate to Thanksgiving?” Well, I am about to tell you.
  My friend Anna, who won her heavenly award from stomach cancer, told her surgeon that she wasn’t losing her battle but it was a win-win situation. She said that if God healed her, she would win because she would be able to share her story with others and offer them hope. But if she lost her earthly battle, she would still win because she would enter her eternal home. WIN-WIN! With this in mind, we must share our stories to offer hope to those who have none.
  I know hearing the word cancer strikes fear in the strongest. Be mindful, it is in the darkest valleys, we experience a deeper relationship with God and with our community. But we need to stop focusing on the darkness (cancer) and look for slivers of light. Slivers of light are those people or moments where God reminds us that there is beauty in the ashes.
  One sliver of light would be Auston, 20 years old and stage 4 sarcoma. He came to the run with his support team wearing bright yellow shirts. He, himself, had 20 Helium happy Face balloons attached. I had the chance to hear his story. He told me that he wants people to know that although he has cancer, cancer did not have him. (his words) He also wants people to know that he is part of a clinical trial made possible by the Terry Fox Foundation.
  So remember to thank God for slivers of light in the darkness and share the light with others!
- MJ
