Numbers shouldn’t matter, but sometimes they should get us excited because they’re one way to measure how God is blessing our church. Here are some numbers that can help us feel the joy that Paul expressed in Philippians, the New Testament epistle that is at the heart of our current sermon series.
On Saturday, May 7, we held our semi-annual Introducing Hope Fellowship Seminar. Eighteen people, all new to our church, showed up to learn about our vision and mission, to hear our church’s story, to meet our staff and to tour our facilities. Our administrative assistant, Evelyn, served up a great continental breakfast that included fresh baked quiche!
We have held this event on the first Saturday of November and May for the last twelve years, since May, 2004. In that time period, our records show that approximately 260 people have attended, not including those who did not hand in a response form.
We also have reason be very excited about the number of people who have decided to profess their faith and/or be baptized at this year’s Stand Up Sunday, scheduled for Sunday, May 29. After four New Members classes, including the most recent class for High School Ministries (HSM) youth, thirty people will be sharing either their testimony or a favourite Bible verse. At least nine will be baptized by immersion as adults in the hot tub that we will once again bring into the sanctuary. Among these thirty persons are three moms who will bring a child forward for infant baptism.
The professions of faith begin today with the testimonies of two of these moms, Victoria and Brittany, who, along with their husbands, Daniel and Mark, will also celebrate the baptisms of their beautiful children, Gabriella Elizabeth and Caleb Ladislav. That leaves twenty-eight professions of faith and/or baptisms for our two morning services on the last Sunday in May, with nine taking place at 9 a.m. and the remaining nineteen taking place at 11 a.m. This gives us much to thank God for and lots to look forward to in the next two weeks.
On Saturday, May 7, we held our semi-annual Introducing Hope Fellowship Seminar. Eighteen people, all new to our church, showed up to learn about our vision and mission, to hear our church’s story, to meet our staff and to tour our facilities. Our administrative assistant, Evelyn, served up a great continental breakfast that included fresh baked quiche!
We have held this event on the first Saturday of November and May for the last twelve years, since May, 2004. In that time period, our records show that approximately 260 people have attended, not including those who did not hand in a response form.
We also have reason be very excited about the number of people who have decided to profess their faith and/or be baptized at this year’s Stand Up Sunday, scheduled for Sunday, May 29. After four New Members classes, including the most recent class for High School Ministries (HSM) youth, thirty people will be sharing either their testimony or a favourite Bible verse. At least nine will be baptized by immersion as adults in the hot tub that we will once again bring into the sanctuary. Among these thirty persons are three moms who will bring a child forward for infant baptism.
The professions of faith begin today with the testimonies of two of these moms, Victoria and Brittany, who, along with their husbands, Daniel and Mark, will also celebrate the baptisms of their beautiful children, Gabriella Elizabeth and Caleb Ladislav. That leaves twenty-eight professions of faith and/or baptisms for our two morning services on the last Sunday in May, with nine taking place at 9 a.m. and the remaining nineteen taking place at 11 a.m. This gives us much to thank God for and lots to look forward to in the next two weeks.
- Pastor Peter
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