On Wednesday, Pastor Steve showed me the hot tub that the Family Worship Centre is loaning us for Stand Up Sunday. It’s rectangular! “I thought it was round,” I exclaim, counting on a tub that rolled. “Four to six men will do it,” he assured me.
Giving thanks and choosing joy IN and even FOR difficult challenges that feel like chains? That was last week’s “hard to swallow” sermon. Ellen, however, left church thinking about two blessings that have come into her life as a direct result of the cancer for which she is undergoing treatment.
A History of Hope Fellowship, Chapter 6: The Focusing Years During the Focusing Years, from 2012-2015, our leadership introduced new words and phrases that became part of our vocabulary. Words like Believe, Belong and Bless. Phrases like Internally Strong and Externally Focused. We defined ourselves as a “community embracing and living our God’s redemptive plan.” We celebrated our “culture of grace” and emphasized the importance of “making room at the table.”
Numbers shouldn’t matter, but sometimes they should get us excited because they’re one way to measure how God is blessing our church. Here are some numbers that can help us feel the joy that Paul expressed in Philippians, the New Testament epistle that is at the heart of our current sermon series
On a hot August afternoon in 2002 I decided to go for a run. In less than a half kilometer I stopped and walked home. I was a sweaty, out of breath mess. My heart was beating out of my chest.
A History of Hope Fellowship, Chapter 5: The Growing Years A new facility will attract people to check out a church. But it is the worship, preaching and hospitality that turn guests into family members. The combination of these things brought numerical and spiritual growth as more and more people began to call Hope Fellowship their spiritual home
Last Saturday Pitch-In Brooklin – with the help of Civitan – held their 2nd annual Mega Neighbourhood Collection day in honour of our refugee families!