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Hopeful Story, August 9, 2015

  I wanted to share an experience I had after Pastor Peter reminded us that all of us are missionaries who can lead people to Christ by relating, testifying and inviting (June 28 message).
  I was not having a lot of fun at the art camp where I volunteer because the head of the camp had me and another volunteer cutting paper for an art activity while all the kids were sent outside to play and make t shirts. Although I am a shy person we started talking. It turned out that she went to my school but was 2 years younger than me, so I started talking about prom and grade 12 and volunteering. She told me that she had done the 40 hour famine at school. I told her that I am a Christian who attends Hope Fellowship. She asked me what we do there and I told her about our singing and our pastor’s Bible related messages. I told her that I was a missionary sent out into the world to spread God's word and love. I told her that I believed in Jesus and his death on the cross for us. I explained how he had risen after 3 days.
  We started talking about heaven and decided it would be both weird (to die and then live again) and wonderful. She said it sounded amazing and that she wished she believed in God because it sounded fulfilling.
  Afterwards, I realized that I forgot the invite part! I wish I would have invited her to come to church, but I did relate and share my beliefs (two out of three ain't bad!).
  Life has a funny way of connecting to Pastor Peter’s sermons. I am not sure if our conversation will alter this girl's opinion of God but I am going to pray that it will. It would be great if you wanted to pray for her as well.
  I began the morning wishing I could go home, but I am so thankful that God sent me to cut that paper in a stuffy hot room so I could share His message.
- Annie B
