Ten years ago, I met monthly with three people who were sixty-plus. From a Christian perspective, we discussed articles in The Banner and various topics of general interest. We met because we understood that a multi-generational church should offer a ministry to every age category. We hoped that others would join us as time went by. Four years later our little group grew 25% when Harold showed up to help us build our church and became a faithful Seasoned Soul until he passed away.
On Wednesday, December 10, our three charter members – Corrie, Wayne and Jackie – were applauded by thirty other Seasoned Souls at the annual Christmas lunch provided by the deacons. Yes, we've grown by that much in the last decade. And there would have been more, except that some Seasoned Souls in their sixties are either still working or in denial!
The event itself was a huge success both in quality and quantity. The table settings and food were world class, with a selection of six different soups, various veggies, baked goods and even a Ferrero Rocher chocolate and a “scripture chocolate” made by Alice to go along with dessert. The deacons and volunteers outdid themselves and we can’t thank God enough for Lilian, Judi, Joyce, Janette and Ann.
After lunch, we formed a circle of chairs below the stage and sang our way through many of the classic Christmas carols. Then the gloves came off as we stole (Oops, I mean, “exchanged”) $5 gifts from each other. Thankfully, there were no tears and no-one came to blows. But it is amazing how quickly one can feel very attached to an inexpensive gift, especially if it tastes good like the boxes of Pot O’Gold chocolates and sections of Dutch cheese that flew from hand to hand. A sad, yet tender Christmas story about our dog, Chimo, brought our time together to a close.
From three to thirty-three in ten years. And not just because of aging. The growth has also come from transfers in, from members of other churches who come with friends, and from late life conversions to Christ.
What a blessing! Isn't God good?
- Pastor Peter
On Wednesday, December 10, our three charter members – Corrie, Wayne and Jackie – were applauded by thirty other Seasoned Souls at the annual Christmas lunch provided by the deacons. Yes, we've grown by that much in the last decade. And there would have been more, except that some Seasoned Souls in their sixties are either still working or in denial!
The event itself was a huge success both in quality and quantity. The table settings and food were world class, with a selection of six different soups, various veggies, baked goods and even a Ferrero Rocher chocolate and a “scripture chocolate” made by Alice to go along with dessert. The deacons and volunteers outdid themselves and we can’t thank God enough for Lilian, Judi, Joyce, Janette and Ann.
After lunch, we formed a circle of chairs below the stage and sang our way through many of the classic Christmas carols. Then the gloves came off as we stole (Oops, I mean, “exchanged”) $5 gifts from each other. Thankfully, there were no tears and no-one came to blows. But it is amazing how quickly one can feel very attached to an inexpensive gift, especially if it tastes good like the boxes of Pot O’Gold chocolates and sections of Dutch cheese that flew from hand to hand. A sad, yet tender Christmas story about our dog, Chimo, brought our time together to a close.
From three to thirty-three in ten years. And not just because of aging. The growth has also come from transfers in, from members of other churches who come with friends, and from late life conversions to Christ.
What a blessing! Isn't God good?
- Pastor Peter
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