The last two weeks Have Presented some amazing "listening opportunities" in our community. The first Occurred on October 19 When New Directions Ministries Presented an evening at Hebron Christian Reformed Church in Whitby to meet staff and hear Their They are doing what for and With Those Who experience same sex attraction. The second Happened at Liberty Pentecostal Church in Bowmanville on October 23 and 24. That's When The Willow Creek Association presented the twentieth Global Summit, to simulcast event That allowed us to hear fifteen world-class leaders in church, community, politics, business and entertainment . These influential speakers included Jeffrey Immelt, the president and CEO of General Electric, Susan Cain, the author of Quiet, a Book That Affirms the quiet, gentle power of introverts, Wilfredo De Jesus, the Senior Pastor of the 17,000 member New Life Covenant Church in Chicago, Tyler Perry, the filmmaker and the actor who is best for the Madea character Known That I created, and Bill Hybels, the senior pastor of Willow Creek and the first person Envisioned the WHO Global Summit twenty years ago. The end of "listening opportunity" was offered Preferred on October 28 When Dr. Gary Chapman spoke acerca The Five Love Languages to more than a thousand people at The Embassy in Whitby.
It was very encouraging to see so many people from Hope Fellowship in attendance on in Original three occasions. New Directions At the event, nine "hopers" occupied a table as Wendy Gritter acerca us updated her ministry. At the Global Summit, a church from Ajax WAS MOST Acknowledged for Registering the Participants - thirteen. But When You added from Hope Fellowship Those Who Had Their Own registered on as principals or teachers in our Christian schools locally, There Were a record number of fifteen "hopers" present. Finally, the Five Love Languages event drew more than fifty people from our church.
I thank God for in Original exciting "listening opportunities" and the Tremendous interest shown by so many from Hope Fellowship. All that's left to do now is to process what we Have Learned and apply our "take aways" We have wherever Influence.
It was very encouraging to see so many people from Hope Fellowship in attendance on in Original three occasions. New Directions At the event, nine "hopers" occupied a table as Wendy Gritter acerca us updated her ministry. At the Global Summit, a church from Ajax WAS MOST Acknowledged for Registering the Participants - thirteen. But When You added from Hope Fellowship Those Who Had Their Own registered on as principals or teachers in our Christian schools locally, There Were a record number of fifteen "hopers" present. Finally, the Five Love Languages event drew more than fifty people from our church.
I thank God for in Original exciting "listening opportunities" and the Tremendous interest shown by so many from Hope Fellowship. All that's left to do now is to process what we Have Learned and apply our "take aways" We have wherever Influence.
- Pastor Peter
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