The Importance of Pentecost
In order to truly understand the meaning of Pentecost, we must look back to the Feasts of the Lord laid out for us in Leviticus 23.
The Feast of Weeks, also known as Shavout (pronounced Sha voo us) is celebrated 50 days after Passover. Shavout, along with Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, were called Pilgrim Feasts because all Jewish men had to journey to the Temple in Jerusalem. There are four important lessons that we can glean from this feast. They are revelation, reception, commitment, and fire.
We read in Exodus 19, that in the 3rd month (Sivan), Moses went up Mount Sinai. There God revealed Himself to Moses. And through words emblazoned on two stone tablets, He revealed Himself to the Israelites. Israel is born. In Acts 2, God reveals Himself in His very essence, Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit, first to the disciples, then to the people outside. 3,000 people got saved that day. His words were emblazoned on people’s hearts, as mentioned in Jeremiah 31:33. This was the birth of the Church.
So, God reveals Himself to us, and….? Sometimes we are like the people in Acts 2 and choose to receive His words the first time. BUT…Sometimes we are more like the Jews in Exodus, who made an error the first time around, ”holy cow”, and were given a second chance to receive.
At the Feast of Shavout, the entire Book of Ruth is read. There are many lessons to be gleaned from this story. But it is her commitment to God which is the key. After being widowed, Ruth chose to leave her homeland and accompanied Naomi (her mother-in-law) to Bethlehem. “Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” (Ruth 1:16) These are the words Ruth made in a commitment to Naomi and ultimately, God. This is what she believed she had to do and did it, no questions asked. In order for us to have this level of commitment, we must be hearers AND doers of the Word (James 1:22).
Fire is synonymous with the Presence of God. Fire was seen on Mount Sinai when Moses received the 10 Commandments. WHY? Because GOD WAS THERE!!! (Exodus 19:18). Tongues of Fire were seen in Acts 2:3. WHY? Because GOD WAS THERE!!! There’s a flame that burns within each one of us who declare ourselves as being saved by the grace of God, also known as declaring our Christianity. WHY? Because GOD IS THERE!!!
In order to truly understand the meaning of Pentecost, we must look back to the Feasts of the Lord laid out for us in Leviticus 23.
The Feast of Weeks, also known as Shavout (pronounced Sha voo us) is celebrated 50 days after Passover. Shavout, along with Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, were called Pilgrim Feasts because all Jewish men had to journey to the Temple in Jerusalem. There are four important lessons that we can glean from this feast. They are revelation, reception, commitment, and fire.
We read in Exodus 19, that in the 3rd month (Sivan), Moses went up Mount Sinai. There God revealed Himself to Moses. And through words emblazoned on two stone tablets, He revealed Himself to the Israelites. Israel is born. In Acts 2, God reveals Himself in His very essence, Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit, first to the disciples, then to the people outside. 3,000 people got saved that day. His words were emblazoned on people’s hearts, as mentioned in Jeremiah 31:33. This was the birth of the Church.
So, God reveals Himself to us, and….? Sometimes we are like the people in Acts 2 and choose to receive His words the first time. BUT…Sometimes we are more like the Jews in Exodus, who made an error the first time around, ”holy cow”, and were given a second chance to receive.
At the Feast of Shavout, the entire Book of Ruth is read. There are many lessons to be gleaned from this story. But it is her commitment to God which is the key. After being widowed, Ruth chose to leave her homeland and accompanied Naomi (her mother-in-law) to Bethlehem. “Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” (Ruth 1:16) These are the words Ruth made in a commitment to Naomi and ultimately, God. This is what she believed she had to do and did it, no questions asked. In order for us to have this level of commitment, we must be hearers AND doers of the Word (James 1:22).
Fire is synonymous with the Presence of God. Fire was seen on Mount Sinai when Moses received the 10 Commandments. WHY? Because GOD WAS THERE!!! (Exodus 19:18). Tongues of Fire were seen in Acts 2:3. WHY? Because GOD WAS THERE!!! There’s a flame that burns within each one of us who declare ourselves as being saved by the grace of God, also known as declaring our Christianity. WHY? Because GOD IS THERE!!!
So, in conclusion, allow God to reveal Himself to you. Choose to receive the revelation. Be TOTALLY Committed! And allow the Fire of God to burn through you, so that the world may be drawn to the LIGHT!!!
- MJ
- MJ
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