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Hopeful Story, February 9, 2014

  I think you would enjoy being in the room when our five passionate, excited, sometimes LOUD zone coordinators meet. They meet together once a month to share what is going on in each area of ministry and to draw support and encouragement from each other. Pastor Peter leads the meetings, which always start with scripture, prayer and a sharing time. Sometimes tears are shed as they share struggles both in their area of ministry and their personal lives.
  Ideas are shared and discussed. This month the discussion included supporting our Young Adults group, celebrating our 15th anniversary (coming up in March), a dinner fundraising idea for Christina Reid (more information to follow on that shortly), a time to support and encourage Sheila Dykstra, who will be making an official visit to Hope Fellowship in the spring, and our annual summer picnic, among other things.
  It’s amazing how our zones (Administration, Children, Community, Outreach, Youth and Worship) intersect. Chris takes care of rentals, which impacts worship, since the stage is often cleared completely for rentals. Mike and Alice are planning our High School Ministries worship service, scheduled for March 2. Melissa is planning the summer picnic, which takes place on the first Sunday we go back to one service. Joan works hard to make sure the events for our children run smoothly alongside the services. And so it goes. Although the zones are separate and distinct, they also work together as they oversee different areas of ministry.
  At the end of the meeting, as Pastor Peter makes sure there is nothing else that needs to be said, heads are once again bowed in prayer together. More than just co-workers, these five people (the Outreach Zone currently has no co-ordinator) are friends, who genuinely want the best for each other.
  In just a couple of weeks these passionate leaders will join together with our equally passionate and gifted elders and deacons to seek God’s will as we move forward as a community here at Hope Fellowship. We are thankful for Godly men and women who are willing to lead this part of His kingdom!
- Evelyn
