RAD! A cool name for a hip Junior High youth group (It means Reaching and Discipling). Matt, Kathryn, Rebecca, Craig and part-time leaders Jason, and Larry - a team of awesome leaders for whom we’re very grateful.
But what do they do? And when and where?
The location and time is very consistent. RAD meets at Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School, 75 Meadowglade Rd., every Wednesday from 7:00-8:45 p.m.. Our excellent relationship with this school goes back to the four years that we worshiped there before moving into our new facilities.
As for what RAD offers, it all depends on the night because they follow a three-week rotation of study, service and social nights.
On Study nights, the leaders and kids play games and then break into small groups to discuss topics and life questions that are relevant to the preteen and early teen years.
On Service nights, RAD has done RAK (random acts of kindness), baked cookies, created cards, helped the custodians at the school, helped Bibles For Missions by hauling all the Christmas supplies up from the basement in record time, and sung Christmas carols to the residents of Courtice where they got standing ovations and special requests! And that’s not all. They also made a lot of Operation Christmas Child boxes and did their annual Trick or Treat for HOPE, collecting a lot of food for the food bank as well as candy for their bellies!
On Social nights, the RAD group has gone bowling, played laser tag and enjoyed a gift exchange. Still ahead are swimming, skating and the 30 hour famine.
The RAD group could use several more leaders. If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to contact the office!
The biggest event on the RAD schedule is one that will involve the whole congregation. It is a CELEBRITY SERVER fundraiser at the Boston Pizza in Bowmanville with proceeds going to the Sea to Sea Bicycle ride that Alice Brink, our Youth Zone coordinator, is going to do this summer to fight poverty. Please mark February 27th on your calendar for this night out! Dinner will be served from 5-8 with our own RAD kids as your servers!
As for today, enjoy their participation in this morning’s worship services.
- Pastor Peter (with a ton of help from Matt)
But what do they do? And when and where?
The location and time is very consistent. RAD meets at Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School, 75 Meadowglade Rd., every Wednesday from 7:00-8:45 p.m.. Our excellent relationship with this school goes back to the four years that we worshiped there before moving into our new facilities.
As for what RAD offers, it all depends on the night because they follow a three-week rotation of study, service and social nights.
On Study nights, the leaders and kids play games and then break into small groups to discuss topics and life questions that are relevant to the preteen and early teen years.
On Service nights, RAD has done RAK (random acts of kindness), baked cookies, created cards, helped the custodians at the school, helped Bibles For Missions by hauling all the Christmas supplies up from the basement in record time, and sung Christmas carols to the residents of Courtice where they got standing ovations and special requests! And that’s not all. They also made a lot of Operation Christmas Child boxes and did their annual Trick or Treat for HOPE, collecting a lot of food for the food bank as well as candy for their bellies!
On Social nights, the RAD group has gone bowling, played laser tag and enjoyed a gift exchange. Still ahead are swimming, skating and the 30 hour famine.
The RAD group could use several more leaders. If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to contact the office!
The biggest event on the RAD schedule is one that will involve the whole congregation. It is a CELEBRITY SERVER fundraiser at the Boston Pizza in Bowmanville with proceeds going to the Sea to Sea Bicycle ride that Alice Brink, our Youth Zone coordinator, is going to do this summer to fight poverty. Please mark February 27th on your calendar for this night out! Dinner will be served from 5-8 with our own RAD kids as your servers!
As for today, enjoy their participation in this morning’s worship services.
- Pastor Peter (with a ton of help from Matt)
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