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Hopeful Story, October 21, 2012

  It was Friday August 24th 2012,the fourth anniversary of our 15 year old son Geoffrey's passing away after his battle with cancer. Jody had taken the day off and I was home after finishing my week of working nights. We would normally use this day to reflect, remember and eat his favourite meal at the grave.
  On this morning I received a phone call from Samantha, who was my media contact from the Ride to Conquer Cancer. She had a 2 pm interview opening for the Lance Armstrong story, and since I was a media rider she thought of me right away.
  I said no, as it was already 11:30 am and I would have to be downtown Toronto by 2 pm. As I hung up the phone Jody and I discussed it further, and thought no! we should do it as it was Geoffrey's day anyway.
  I called back and asked if I could still do the interview. Samantha said yes and said she would give me the final details later. We got in the truck and left for Toronto. The interview was to take place at 2 pm at Ashbridges Bay and I was to meet Tammie of City TV. I met Tammie and told her Geoffrey's story and the impact that Lance Armstrong had on fund raising for cancer research.
  She was amazed it was the fourth anniversary, and thought this interview was meant to be. The interview went well and was done within 5 minutes. Tammie requested some pictures so she could be ready for the 6 pm news. We didn't have any with us, so we as we drove home, Jody texted our good friend Hilda to help out. In no time she had the pictures emailed to Tammie.
  So what we expected to be a somber day turned into a day to tell Geoffrey's story and to show his pictures to the world—we were the third news item on the 6 o'clock news. I even had time to make it home to record the news.
  God provided this gift for us on this day. God is good.
- John
