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Hopeful Story, August 26, 2012

  When the call went out a few weeks ago for volunteers to help out at the Boots and Hearts Country Music Festival, the people of Hope Fellowship responded with great enthusiasm. So many people were interested in volunteering that there weren’t enough spots for everyone. Those who were able to volunteer arrived at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park expecting to help serve the light breakfast offered by Youth Unlimited, but also found themselves working hard to clean up garbage from the night before—8 acres worth! The grounds were cleaned up in record time, to the great delight of the Festival organizers. Free breakfast was promised to the first 15,000 participants and more than 100 volunteers signed up to help out. While people enjoyed breakfast, they also listened to High Valley and Michelle Wright sing gospel songs and special guest speaker Mike Fisher of the Nashville Predators with Gino Reda from TSN.
  Al and Yvonne volunteered to help out with the breakfast and they loved it. It was busy, it was tiring, but Yvonne said “I’m glad I did it. After listening to Mike Fisher speak about World Vision, I realize how much we have—and how much we have to give. It was encouraging to hear people speak about the faith.” Originally booked to serve breakfast, they spent a good part of the day serving food to festival attendees. Would they do it again? In a heartbeat! It was a wonderful chance to connect with people and give them a glimpse of what Jesus’ love looks like.
  If you missed out this year, don’t worry. The hope is that Boots and Hearts Country Music Festival becomes an annual local event. It sounds like everyone who went had a great time, in spite of the weather. Keep an eye out for next year’s event and sign up to volunteer early.
- Evelyn and Yvonne
