There are many ways that you can evaluate a congregation’s health: Worship attendance. Volunteerism. Small Group participation. Community service. And charitable giving to causes and the operating budget.
In my experience, people who are involved in their church are more gracious about its imperfections than those who are not involved. Spectators tend to be armchair referees; participants, on the other hand, tend to work things through until goals are met or things improve. What’s the difference between a spectator and a participant? Commitment.
This week, our son Josiah, 15, reached a major milestone. Two years after surgery to remove a huge tumour, Josiah underwent extensive testing at Sick Kids Hospital and heard the good news that there has been no change!
I love leading the New Members each year. It’s a great small group experience for those who are new to the Christian faith or at a place in their lives where they want to be baptized and/or profess their faith in church and take a public stand as followers of Jesus.
When the call went out a few weeks ago for volunteers to help out at the Boots and Hearts Country Music Festival, the people of Hope Fellowship responded with great enthusiasm.