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Hopeful Story, April 15, 2012

  It’s always nice to get a head start on something. And that’s what our neighbourhood got when our young people roved up and down the roads on Wednesday collecting twenty bags of garbage and litter, two weeks before Pitch-In Canada Week.
  They began at Courtice Road, cleaning up both sides of Bloor Street. Then they turned right on Trulls Road, cleaning out the ditches from Bloor Street to where the subdivision begins.
  It’s dirty work, but our youth did it with pleasure. One of them made quite a find. Jesse found a wallet and, upon opening it, discovered to his amazement that he knew the owner. He returned it to the owner’s family the same night and learned that it had been lost two years earlier. In fact, the owner was on the verge of re-applying for his Social Insurance card, which was still in his wallet!
  For our youth in HSM (High School Ministries), this annual service project reminds them that they are called to be stewards of God’s beautiful creation. Their efforts remind the rest of us that we are also called to be earth-keepers.
  That being the case, what will you and the members of your household do April 23-30, when Canada Pitch In Week will see 3.5 million volunteers in Canada take part in Operation: Clean Sweep?
As a church we want to be internally strong and externally focused. Cleaning up, restoring and beautifying the environment in our communities is one way that we can participate in a worthwhile venture that encourages civic pride and community involvement. It also shows our neighbours that we share their concern for God’s fragile world.
  You will find Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa, Port Perry, Whitby and even Orono on the nation-wide list of communities that participated last year! To get connected with local organizers in the place where you live, register at
  Thank you, young people, for cleaning up the world and inspiring the rest of us to “pitch in.” And who knows, we may just find someone else’s missing wallet!
- Pastor Peter
