Last Wednesday, eight people – five women and three men – met with our pastoral elders to profess or re-affirm their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was an amazing evening as they praised God for leading them through some very difficult situations to a more hopeful place. I wish you could have been there to hear each story.
Reflecting on that night, I thank God for two things.
First, I am grateful for the growing diversity of our church family. Whereas the Christian Reformed Church began as an ethnic church, Hope Fellowship’s vision of a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-generational and multi-ability community is being realized. On Wednesday that was clearly visible as I looked around the room and saw a rainbow family around the table, ages 18 to 58, representing a great range of personal experiences, church backgrounds and cultures.
Secondly, I am so thankful that these eight new professing members all expressed such appreciation for Hope Fellowship as an accepting, welcoming and non-judgmental church. All felt that our church was a place where they could “come as you are” and be honest about their short-comings and disappointments while growing in the Lord. Hearing this filled with me with joy. I often remind people that Hope Fellowship is an imperfect church consisting of imperfect people. That’s why this place is such a good fit for me! And according to those who professed their faith on Wednesday, that’s why it is a good fit for them, too.
I wish you could have been flies on the wall and listened in. The good news is that they, as well as others who took the fall class, will share their testimonies again, on Sunday, May 27, when all of us will have the opportunity to hear everyone’s profession of faith and witness a number of baptisms. I can’t wait! How about you?
The spring New Members class starts on Wednesday, March 21, at 7 p.m. If the Lord is prompting you to explore this next step on your spiritual journey, please sign up at the Info Centre.
- Pastor Peter
Reflecting on that night, I thank God for two things.
First, I am grateful for the growing diversity of our church family. Whereas the Christian Reformed Church began as an ethnic church, Hope Fellowship’s vision of a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-generational and multi-ability community is being realized. On Wednesday that was clearly visible as I looked around the room and saw a rainbow family around the table, ages 18 to 58, representing a great range of personal experiences, church backgrounds and cultures.
Secondly, I am so thankful that these eight new professing members all expressed such appreciation for Hope Fellowship as an accepting, welcoming and non-judgmental church. All felt that our church was a place where they could “come as you are” and be honest about their short-comings and disappointments while growing in the Lord. Hearing this filled with me with joy. I often remind people that Hope Fellowship is an imperfect church consisting of imperfect people. That’s why this place is such a good fit for me! And according to those who professed their faith on Wednesday, that’s why it is a good fit for them, too.
I wish you could have been flies on the wall and listened in. The good news is that they, as well as others who took the fall class, will share their testimonies again, on Sunday, May 27, when all of us will have the opportunity to hear everyone’s profession of faith and witness a number of baptisms. I can’t wait! How about you?
The spring New Members class starts on Wednesday, March 21, at 7 p.m. If the Lord is prompting you to explore this next step on your spiritual journey, please sign up at the Info Centre.
- Pastor Peter
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