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Hopeful Story, January 8, 2012

  The next New Members Class is set to start this Wednesday, January 11, from 7-8 p.m. It will run for eight sessions and focus on everything you need to know to be a follower of Jesus and a member of Hope Fellowship Church.
  Have you been thinking about taking this class? Do you feel something nudging you to take your faith more seriously? Are you ready to make a public stand for Jesus and to strengthen your sense of belonging at Hope Fellowship Church? If so, this class is for you.
  Perhaps you have been away from the Lord and the church for a while, and it’s time to re-affirm your faith. Perhaps you have never been baptized, and it’s time to take the plunge. Perhaps you have been baptized as a child and it’s time to profess your faith and make a stand. If any of these scenarios describe you, this class is especially for you.
  The hopeful news is that seven persons have already signed up and several others are considering it.
  I love teaching this class because it gives me the opportunity to get to know the participants in a small group setting. I love the class because we get to talk together about the Bible, the church and the Lord.
  The most important decision God asks us to make is the decision to accept Jesus’ invitation to “Follow me.” Every other decision – social, academic, business, lifestyle – is shaped by this place to stand. That’s why I consider the New Members Class, next to preaching and pastoral visits, to be one of the most important and worthwhile things that God has called me to do. I hope that you agree with me that preparing to profess your faith publicly is of utmost importance.
  So sign up today at the Info Centre. Or call the office this week (905-571-6004). And make 2012 the year that “you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord.’”
- Pastor Peter
