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Showing posts from December, 2012

Note from the Pastor, December 23, 2012

  To what extent do we tolerate violence in our own lives? It’s easy to point fingers at the gun culture in the United States and the problem of gangs in Toronto. But how willing are we to own our part of the terrible problem that everyone is discussing again since the latest tragic shooting spree?

Hopeful Story, December 23, 2012

  As a visiting nurse in our community I see a lot of interesting cases and interesting people. There are lot of patients with complex problems.   As nurses we try to bring our patients a warm smile and comfort them but sometimes we leave feeling sad and discouraged. Sometimes if I have a long drive in between patients I have a good cry and then regain my composure for the next visit.

Hopeful Story, December 16, 2012

  I’m not used to getting to work early, especially on Monday mornings, but on Nov. 26 I was here at Hope Fellowship before 8:00 a.m. But instead of heading for my desk and turning my computer on, I went to the sanctuary and started setting up chairs and tables – and ballot boxes and voting stations.

Hopeful Story, December 2, 2012

  Twenty-some years after the Hope/Zion Food bank began providing food to needy clients in Oshawa, things are still being tweaked to make it as good as it can be. The latest “tweak” happened last week when Pastor Dan Zylstra came up with the idea of providing a worship service before the doors open at 11 a.m.

Hopeful Story, November 25, 2012

  Late September/early October the conversation begins every year—October is Pastor Appreciation Month. What are we going to do this year? After much discussion and thought Stan, the chair of our Administrative Board, came up with the wonderful idea of a “verbal bouquet” to offer to Pastor Peter and Marja.